Connecting investors to the best expertise, wherever it’s found, provides assurance that we’re putting their interests first. We expand our talent pool to include external managers that are the best at what they do

Blue lines moving in the same direction in an abstract representation of technology

ATBIM's investment sub-advisors include:


Blackrock Investment Management Canada Ltd. - A leader in managing index funds and exchange traded funds

BMO Global Asset Management - An asset manager with global reach, and a leader in exchange traded funds

Canso Investment Counsel Ltd. - Privately held money manager specializing in corporate bonds

Cardinal Capital Management, Inc. - Investment decisions guided by 12 cardinal rules

Cidel Asset Management Inc. - A focus on core quality and the sustained cash flows of companies

CMLS Financial Ltd. - Commercial mortgage portfolios for private and institutional investors

Kensington Capital Partners Ltd. - Diversified portfolio of top performing private equity investments

Mawer Investment Management Ltd. - Wealth creating companies trading at a discount to their intrinsic values

Picton Mahoney Asset Management - Small Cap Canadian companies with above average growth potential

TriWest Capital Management Corp. - Management buy-outs, growth financings and corporate divestitures

The ATBIM Experience

Compass Portfolios and ATBIS Pools are prospectus-qualified funds with a 20 year track record in multiple market cycles.